n. 月长石
n. a transparent or translucent gemstone with a pearly luster; some specimens are orthoclase feldspar and others are plagioclase feldspar
1. I just need enough to soak the moonstone.
2. The ceiling is decorated with moonstones and floral designs.
3. I enchanted the moonstone collar to hold the spell.
4. A witch dagger to kill, a moonstone to see, and a medicine bag to be unseen.
用以杀戮的巫师匕首 用以侦测的月光石 还有用以隐身的药袋
5. If you're here to tell me that my dad has a heart of gold, this is probably the worst spot, considering that there's a plaque inside near the dartboard for some woman that he killed in a moonstone ritual.
你要是跟我说我爸是菩萨心肠的话 在这里说估计最不合适了 在里面飞镖靶的旁边 有块纪念某个女人的匾 那个女人是他在月光石仪式中杀的