n. 教条
n. a religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof
n. a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative
1. So the dogma would predict nothing should happen.
2. First the softness of compromise, then the dogma.
把折衷怀柔放在首位 严厉教条次之
3. That's dogma like, one form of orga is immature, another is mature.
那叫武断 比如某一种 是不成熟的 另一种则是成熟的
4. A little chari a and some fancy sounding dogma can convince people to do the worst atrocities.
一点个人魅力加上点听着很厉害的信条 就能让人去干最恶劣的暴行
5. They will infiltrate, they will proliferate, they will choke our courts and strangle our church, our children, with their fanatical dogma.
他们会潜入这里 会逐渐壮大 他们会威胁到我们的宫廷 威胁到我们的教会 他们会用疯狂的教条威胁到我们的孩子
6. The old dogmas of mutually assured destruction versus secondary strike capabilities need to be seriously reexamined, especially given the threat of our control systems being hacked.
老式的确保相互摧毁 对阵二次打击能力的教条 需要严肃地重新审核 尤其考虑到我们的控制系统 有被黑入的风险