a of or relating to a hemorrhage
1. And he died of a haemorrhage in the brain in that chair.
2. The haemorrhage is from the severance of the left carotid.
3. Susie has stopped a potentially lifethreatening haemorrhage.
4. Quick loss of consciousness and rapid death from an intracerebral haemorrhage.
颅内出血 导致快速丧失意识 及迅速死亡
5. I haemorrhaged for, like, half an hour while they helicoptered over some blood that would work.
我大出血了大概有...半个小时 他们才用直升机运来能给我用的血液
6. I went blind and had a haemorrhage and I fell asleep and died in the chair in the corner.
失明和大出血 在角落的沙发上昏睡过去 然后死了
7. If that bomb detonates, thousands of people are gonna die from haemorrhagic fever.
如果炸弹引爆 很多人会死于出血热
8. Mama took ill in the afternoon, then began haemorrhaging in the early hours.
下午时母亲病重 凌晨开始大出血
9. I've been documenting my hu and's battle back to life after suffering a catastrophic brain haemorrhage.
我一直在记录我丈夫在一场灾难性的脑溢血后 为重获新生而进行的奋斗
10. Lack of haemorrhage in the surrounding eye tissues suggests she was already dead before the eyes were removed.
眼组织周围没有大出血 表明她的眼睛是死后被剜去的