a. 不断侵袭的
v annoy continually or chronically
v assail or attack on all sides: "The zebra was beset by leopards"
v decorate or cover lavishly (as with gems)
1. Because she is... beset by such horrors.
2. Because she is beset by such horrors.
3. that my king has beset upon this land.
4. "In others beset also thick with woods.
5. The local religious believe they are beset by demons.
6. The area was beset by flood a year ago.
一年前 这个地区被洪水淹没
7. Her body fought for all its might as a fever beset her.
她的身体在和这股力量作对 高烧困扰着她
8. Unless those deaths are beset upon the children of Ishmael.
除非死的本身就是 罪人的后代
9. The turn of the decade was beset by all sorts of dread and tension.
世纪之交 布满了各种恐怖和紧张的气息
10. Strapped into my own torture chair, beset by a legion of devils, each wearing my own face, mortifying my flesh with implements far more fiendish than any I could ever have contrived, gripped in hands as scarred as my own.
坐在我专属的折磨椅上 被一群恶魔所环绕 它们的脸都是我的模样 折磨我的肉体 比我自己任何时候都要凶残 用它们跟我一样伤痕累累的手紧握着我