n. 肖恩(男子、女子名)
n. United States dancer and choreographer who collaborated with Ruth Saint Denis (1891-1972)
1. shawn, we've been walking for an hour.
Shawn 我们都走了一小时了
2. shawn, I don't care what that light is over there.
Shawn 我才不管那是甚么光
3. shawn, I have never been more angry with you.
Shawn 你这次令我最火大了
4. shawn's just a kid, and he's not a stranger.
肖恩只是个孩子 他也不是陌生人
5. shawn only cares about cold hard facts.
6. shawn still thinks I'm on version two.
7. shawn, your offer is lovely, but the answer is no, and don't push me on this.
Shawn 你的提议很好 但我们用不着你 而且别得寸进尺
8. shawn, there is no way that dog doesn't eat your face.
Shawn 那狗绝对会啃掉你的脸
9. shawn has the keys to every building on campus.
10. shawn, step out of the open or I will shoot you myself.
Shawn 赶紧挪开 不然我直接对你开火了