n. 快速的轻打, 轻打声, 弹开
v. 轻弹, 轻轻拂去, 忽然摇动
n. a light sharp contact (usually with something flexible)
n. a short stroke
v. look through a book or other written material
v. twitch or flutter
1. It is actually quite tricky as you flick it right there and then flick it left.
这其实相当棘手 因为在这里右拐然后又要往左拐
2. So, I had a little bit of a selfcontrol problem, and I would put a rubber band around my wrist and flick it every time I got the urge to...flick it.
我当时有一点缺乏自制力 我会在我的手腕上绑一个橡皮筋 每当我有冲动想要... 我就会弹一下
3. And when I flick through them, I feel most of them are undistinguished.
我浏览其中 绝大多数都是平凡无奇的
4. It is the shoulder and the shoulder and the flick of the wrist.
就是肩膀一摇二摇 然后手腕左甩右甩
5. The sending off, because I flicked out at one player.
我被红牌罚出场 因为绊倒了一名球员
6. I flicked a freshman in the ear, I thought it was you.
我还弹了一个新生的耳朵 认成你了
7. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere.
8. flick had no intention of telling me your whereabouts.
9. We could set up a quick app so you could flick it on.
咱可以快速建个程序 然后你就可以打开它了
10. If you're gonna shoot me, flick the safety off.
你要是想開槍殺我 先把保險打開