n. 年代史编者, 记录者
n. someone who writes chronicles
1. And he did chronicle her every single move.
2. I have read of such thing in the ancient chronicles.
3. Ancient chronicles speak of a heinous curse.
4. This lengthy chronicle of woe and unpleasantness ends today.
5. He chronicled how industrial warfare had transformed the soldier from warrior to victim.
他记录下了工业战争是如何将 一位士兵从勇士转变成受害者的
6. A contemporary chronicle says he thought the place impregnable and impossible to take.
据当时的史书记载 他认为此地固若金汤 不可攻取
7. For over 200 years, negro spirituals have chronicled the spiritual, political, and physical resistance of black people in this hemisphere.
两百多年来 黑人灵歌记录了 西半球的黑人们在精神 和身体上 坚韧不屈的抗争历程
8. Well, it appears we spent our last dime acquiring a tech blog whose chief focus is chronicling our demise.
看来我们用最后一点钱收购了个博客 这个科技博客正在报道咱俩的糗事