n. 喃喃低语
vi. 喃喃自语, 作低沉声
vt. 出怨言, 抱怨地说
n. a low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech
1. She doesn't know what I muttered over the comms.
2. You were damn near starved, muttering to yourself.
你当时极度缺乏营养 在那自言自语
3. You drive me insane with your wretched muttering.
4. He kept muttering how the man was indiscreet.
5. But I hug myself and, like, um, mutter.
6. No. he just muttered something about my childhood.
不知道 他絮絮叨叨说我小时候的事情
7. During tryouts, I saw her, in the bleachers, muttering spells.
选拔赛时 我看到她 在看台上念咒语
8. I don't think muttering calculations makes me less efficient.
我觉得 我这样嘀咕着计算 不会影响我的效率
9. It's the men looking into their pint pots, muttering darkly.
那些盯着自己的酒罐 暗自嘀咕的人
10. I can't keep shuffling along with muttered apologies and half measures.
我不能再用低声下气的道歉 和权宜之计磨磨蹭蹭了