n. 计策, 谋略, 诡计
[法] 诡计, 计策
n. a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture)
1. This isn't about survival, this is about keeping up the ruse.
這不是為了活下去 而是為了支撐這個騙局
2. It would be incredibly disappointing if this was all a ruse.
如果这一切都是诡计 我会非常失望的
3. You know what he's doing? It's a classic ruse.
你知道他在干什么吗 经典骗术
4. Exactly, which is why the ransom could be a ruse.
没错 所以说赎金只是个幌子
5. She was talking about how it was all some elaborate ruse.
6. That was a part of my...very clever ruse.
7. Coming after me at school was a ruse.
8. We need to narrow in on his abduction ruse.
9. Then you'll need my help to carry out your ruse.
那就需要我的帮助 来完成你们的计划
10. At the moment of truth, my ruse was discovered.
关键时刻 我的计策被识破了