adv. 残忍地, 残酷地, 极
r. excessively
r. with cruelty
1. Which in this case is cruelly ironic.
在这案子里 真是残酷的讽刺啊
2. We are cruelly trapped between what we would like to be and what we actually are.
我们被残忍地陷于理想自我 和现实自我之间
3. Surely there can be no occasion to expose him so cruelly.
4. I wish I could be sure of that, for I have been cruelly disappointed in that particular.
我倒希望自己知道是谁 毕竟这件事已经让我失望透顶了
5. You have built and enjoyed a friendship with our grandson that you have denied me, most cruelly.
你有幸跟我们的外孙建立了友谊 却没给我这个机会 你好残忍
6. And I thought that my exhu and liked women, so I guess we're both cruelly disappointed.
我以为我前夫喜欢女人 看来我俩都非常失望
7. I'd still be happy in the background today, had my hu and not been so cruelly taken from me.
就算是今天我还是很乐意屈居幕后 可我丈夫残忍地将此夺走了
8. Then my unborn son was cruelly taken from me, and it made me wonder what I had done to anger the gods.
所以他们残酷得带走了我未出世的儿子 这让我不禁扪心自问 我究竟做了什么 激怒了神明
9. He lured 15 innocent young men back to his home, before cruelly murdering them.
他引诱了十五位无辜的年轻男子到他家 之后残忍地杀害了他们
10. My hu and was cruelly taken from me and from his three little girls nearly 40 years ago.
近四十年前 我的丈夫被人 残忍地从我和我们的三个小女儿 身边夺走了