1. Well, first of all, you can't use relativistic and nonrelativistic vectors in the same equation.
首先 在同一方程中 不能使用相对和非相对向量
2. But if justice is bound up with the good in a nonrelativist way, there is a big challenge, a big question to answer.
但如果公正与良善是非相对性的 那就面临着一个巨大的挑战
3. On this nonrelativist view the case for recognizing a right depends on showing that it honors or advances some important human good.
根据这种非相对论观点 任一种权力 需要它尊重或推进 某些重要的人类美德
4. On a second nonrelativist way of linking justice with conceptions of the good, principles of justice depend for their justification not on the values that happened to prevail at any given moment in a certain place, but instead on the moral worth or the intrinsic good of the ends rights serve.
根据这种非相对论的 联系公正与良善概念的方式 公正原则基于自身的正当性 而非在任意时间和社会中 所盛行的价值观 而是道德价值 或权利所服务的目标的本质美德