n. 旗帜
a. 显著的, 特别好的
n. long strip of cloth or paper used for decoration or advertising
s. unusually good; outstanding
1. All followed him, many with flags, banners or portraits taped onto sides of cars, trucks or every kind of vehicle you could imange, on this high speed road into the city, passed houses and windows filled with people, apartment with flags, banners overbridges crowded with people, all came to salute him.
全都跟着他 挂着旗帜 拉着横幅 在各种你想的到的车的门上 贴着海报 在去市里的高速公路上 沿路的房子窗口挤满了人 挂着旗子横幅的公寓 天桥上也站满了人 大家都来向他致敬
2. Listen, they've taken a banner with them.
听着 他们带了一个横幅
3. But, more importantly, it's a banner day, you guys.
但更重要的是 今天是升旗日 伙计们
4. This is a banner night for female genitals.
5. Before you know it, it's formed a splendid banner.
不知何时 就会成为一面了不起的旗帜
6. The banners are on the patio and so are the facepainting signs.
横幅还在露台上 面部彩绘的标志也是
7. I can make you a really sweet banner.
8. Your former shipmates, they wish to sail again under their own banner.
你以前的船员 他们希望在自己的旗帜下再次扬帆出航
9. I think they're putting the banners in the wrong place.
10. We're gonna need your first name for the banner.
说下你的名字 打字幕用