a. 高级的, 高档的, 高端的
a. designed for consumers with high incomes
1. I mean, we're more of an upmarket cafe, but yeah, go on, grand, there are some chips for you.
其实我们是那种高端餐馆 不过好吧 给你薯条
2. And it's gone upmarket, this place, they're doing little tubs of coleslaw now. It's not very nice.
这个地方越来越高端了 卖起了小盆卷心菜沙拉 不过不太好吃
3. Fiona and I felt there wasn't anywhere providing real upmarket quality in this industry.
我和菲奥娜认为在这个行业里 还没有哪里能提供真正的高端服务
4. Yeah, we need an inviting color palette, something redhead quirk, but still upmarket.
没错 我们需要诱人的色调 像红头发那种红 但看起来不能太廉价