间歇现象, 间歇性
n the quality of being intermittent; subject to interruption or periodic stopping
1. But it has only worked intermittently at best.
但即便联上了 连接也是断断续续的
2. I hear she's tough, but fair intermittently.
我听说她很严厉 但也很公正 间歇性地
3. She's intermittently fair and a good hugger.
她有时候很公平 她也很会拥抱
4. He said they bring the kids by intermittently.
5. I don't like the sound of intermittent brain fog.
6. There could be many reasons for intermittent brain fog.
7. Pulled you over 'cause you got an intermittent taillight.
8. Presents with limited mobility and intermittent numbness.
9. That's the blessing and the curse of a condition with intermittent symptoms.
这是间歇性病症的 恩赐和诅咒
10. ..Intermittent fevers or racked by excruciating pains.
被间或的高烧 要么被彻骨的痛耗尽生命