n. 快而不清的语, 胡扯
n. unintelligible talking
1. It took me a while to realize this is not all gibberish.
我也是用了一段时间才明白 她并不是在胡言乱语
2. When she did speak, it was complete gibberish.
当她能发出声音后 完全是在胡言乱语
3. It's just some gibberish from a dream.
4. It's all a bunch of complicated business gibberish.
5. That's gibberish for "toy time," and you're too old for it.
就是胡说八道的"玩具时间" 你这年纪不该玩这个了
6. He was in a cave just talking gibberish.
他就在一個洞穴里 一直胡言亂語
7. If that means what I think it means, we're dealing with gibberish.
这是跟我想的一样吗 我们竟然在跟乱码打交道
8. Tossing and turning all night, talking gibberish.
一整晚翻来覆去 念叨着什么
9. She wasn't making any sense, she was shouting all kinds of gibberish.
她神志不清 喊着胡言乱语
10. You can't read this gibberish, only toplevel gang leaders are fluent in it.
这些东西根本看不懂 只有最高层的帮派领导知道