n. 爆炸物, 炸药;爆炸品(explosive的复数)
n a chemical substance that undergoes a rapid chemical change (with the production of gas) on being heated or struck
1. An explosion at the bank with no explosives.
银行发生爆炸 但却没有发现爆炸物
2. I believe I learned everything I need to know to paint with explosives, including how much explosives is too much.
我了解了所有与炸药涂料 有关的信息 包括用多少炸药算过量
3. Now we know for our full scale texting that a confined explosion would yield a higher blast pressure than an unconfined explosion.
从过去的全比例爆炸中可知 在密闭环境中爆炸产生的冲击压强 比开阔环境中更高
4. Under the right conditions, it has an explosive factor of 8,000 joules per gram, or that of a tiny, precise nuclear explosion.
在正确的条件下 每克纳尔赛特中的爆炸物 可释放8000焦耳能量 也可以造成小型精准核武器的爆炸效果
5. Having seen this tank darn near rupture from an explosion points out the fact that when an explosive goes off, the energy from it wants to travel outward evenly in all directions.
看到这个罐子差一点被炸开 我们发现在爆炸的时候 炸药的能量 会向四周均匀的发散
6. It could be guns, it could be explosives.
可能是枪 也可能是炸弹
7. But I'm here to tell you there's no explosion there.
但我想告诉你 并没有发生爆炸
8. there was an explosion in the subway.
Sorry you had to wait, but apparently
9. They wouldn't have found those explosives if it weren't for you.
要不是因为你 他们找不到那些炸药