n. 满, 充满, 丰富
[医] 发胀
n. the property of a sensation that is rich and pleasing
n. the condition of being filled to capacity
n. greatness of volume
1. With their heads full of wisdom and their pockets full of candy and their bodies full of wrinkles full of candy.
喜欢他们充满智慧的头脑和装满糖果的口袋 他们浑身都是皱纹 都是糖果
2. You were full of it then, and you're full of it now.
你以前很能扯 现在还是很能扯
3. The box is full, but not as full as it could be.
箱子满了 但还可以更满
4. You're full of shit. I'm not full of shit.
你在胡扯 我才没有胡扯
5. It's full of stories, full of history.
充满了故事 充满了历史
6. ..my garden yields and I have orchards full of bramleys and ditches, full of damsons, and bogs full of turf.
我种的菜丰收 我的果园里水渠纵横交错 果树上结满绿苹果 结满李子 我的土地上长满草
7. 60% of people think that the media is negative, that it's full of lies, full of bias, full of crap.
六成的美国人 觉得媒体是消极的 新闻里充斥着谎言和偏见 还有废话
8. In a world full of no, this is a space full of yes.
在一个充斥着否定的世界里 建立一个充满肯定的空间
9. I know I'm just a country canary who moved to the big city with nothing but a suitcase full of socks, a head full of dreams, and a second suitcase also full of socks.
我知道我是乡下金丝雀 刚搬到大城市 一无所有 除了一箱袜子和满脑子梦想 还有满满的另一箱袜子
10. And they want their parents to have full recognition and full status.
这些儿童希望他们的父母 能得到完全的认可和社会地位