n. 狂躁, 热衷, 狂热
[医] 躁狂, 狂
n. an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action
n. a mood disorder; an affective disorder in which the victim tends to respond excessively and sometimes violently
1. In this century, and moment, of mania.
在这世纪 于此刻的狂热之中
2. I can feel the sadness and the mania.
3. Not everyone shares your mania for poetry.
4. at curing your mania, and incipient aggression.
能治好你的疯狂 和初期攻击性
5. Booth did say you had some kind of mania for the truth.
6. Mirror mania is a scary place to surf.
7. Bipolar 1 disorder is characterised by mania.
8. In her case, it took the form of an intense persecution mania.
9. who are we to challenge that mania when anybody likes make such a claim.
但这样一个在F1历史上 地位无人可及的人
10. Bipolar one, acute mania with psychotic features.
躁郁症一期 表现为急性狂躁并伴有精神病症状