a. 值得注目的, 显著的
s. worthy of notice
s. worthy of notice
1. And every other noteworthy documentary since the '60s, yeah.
2. Okay, well, I haven't really been anywhere noteworthy or mentionable.
好吧 我没去过任何值得注意或值得一提的地方
3. Markets going 12 months without a robbery is noteworthy.
开店的 一年不被抢都不正常了
4. We ran a full background check, but we couldn't find anything noteworthy.
我们进行了完整的背景调查 但找不到任何值得注意的地方
5. While I'm at it, I'll check the facility records, see if anything noteworthy jumps out.
这过程里呢 我会去查查那里的记录 看看有什么值得注意的
6. I think it's noteworthy that the only people I've spoken to that criticize are the ones who don't know him personally.
我觉得值得注意的是 我采访过的人中 只有不认识他的人 才会批评他
7. Nothing to suggest that these cases are connected, save one noteworthy point of intersection.
没有线索表明这些案子有关联 除了一个很明显的共通点
8. Uh, and this thing's clocking in at 100 degrees, which is noteworthy because the human body temperature is 98.6.
有一团温度大约为37.8度的阴影 这很值得注意 因为 人体的温度一般是37度