n. 咭咭呱呱说个不停的人, 多嘴的人
n. a person who causes trouble by speaking indiscreetly
1. I can't stand what a ug loudmouth she is.
2. That, I'll leave to the drunk, loudmouth wannabe.
3. Real loudmouth, and he can be erratic.
名副其实的大嘴巴 还有点不稳定
4. You know, first the loudmouth dishwasher, and now this.
先是那个多嘴多舌的洗碗工 现在又是这个
5. You know, I've met a lot of loudmouths like you before.
6. after a lengthy crossexamination, yeah, we've concluded, he was just being a loudmouth.
经过我们一段时间的拷问 我们觉得他就是个嘴强王者
7. All right? If you pull that trigger, then you are gonna have to kill that loudmouth down the hall and every other witness in the place.
如果你扣下扳机 那你还得杀掉外面那个大嘴巴 以及这里所有的目击证人
8. So when they look at us, loudmouthed, antiestablishment, unafraid to confront the power structures, they feel alive.
所以当他们看着我们 高谈阔论 反对正流派 不惧怕直面权力结构时 他们感到自己活着