n. 重婚, 重婚罪
[法] 重婚, 重婚罪
n. having two spouses at the same time
n. the offense of marrying someone while you have a living spouse from whom no valid divorce has occurred
1. We have a warrant for your arrest for bigamy.
2. We can put him away for bigamy and perjury.
3. It's the magick and your lifestyle, the girls, the guys, the whatdoyoucallit, bigamy.
都是因为你的什么魔法学和生活方式 那些男男女女 你们怎么说来着 重婚
4. The judge has agreed to drop the bigamy charges and let you and dad out of here.
法官已经同意不起诉你们重婚罪 让你和爸离开这里
5. Small amount of people are gonna have a little problem with this bigamy issue.
小部分人不太能接受 这种一夫多妻
6. Since you both have subsequently remarried, you both have committed bigamy, which is punishable by up to a year in prison.
由于之后你们都再婚了 所以你们都犯下了重婚罪 最高可被判一年监禁
7. Now he's wanted in nine states for bigamy and several other crimes, including racketeering.
目前他因重婚罪 诈骗罪等多种罪名 在九个州被通缉