a. 可消费的, 消耗性的, 可牺牲的, 值得消耗的, 可消耗的
n. 消耗物, 可牺牲的人, 可牺牲的物
a. suitable to be expended
s. (used of funds) remaining after taxes
1. Far more expendable soldiers than you, which is not to say you're expendable at all.
比起你来更可牺牲的士兵 我不是说你可牺牲 完全不是这意思
2. And I suspect there's been other times when we've been expendable to you.
我想肯定还有其它时候 你把我们当做任意丢弃的棋子
3. Each and every one of you is expendable.
4. As far as we see it, she's expendable.
在我们看来 她是可以牺牲的
5. If that's true, that makes you expendable.
如果是这样 你就可以随时牺牲了
6. I have some expendable gerbils in the back. no.
后面有些试验用的沙鼠 不
7. We're all expendable in the wake of creation.
为新世界的到来 我们都是可以牺牲的
8. We both know that I am the one who is expendable.
我们都知道 我是可以牺牲掉的那个
9. He thought you saw us all as expendable.
10. You realize that they're using you because they consider you expendable.
你要知道他们只想利用你 是因为即使你死了也无关紧要