n. 斑点, 斑疵点, 黑点, 太阳黑子, 斑疹
[医] 斑[点]
n. a small yellowish central area of the retina that is rich in cones and that mediates clear detailed vision
1. And this is the macula, right over the macula.
这是黄斑 正好在黄斑上
2. So, we've put some drops in one of his eye because we need to open up the window of it, and we need to get a lot of light into the back of the eye to show the region which allows you to see us and this lecture this evening, which is known as the macula.
我们在他眼睛里滴入了一些药水 因为我们需要打开那扇窗户 我们需要很多光进入眼睛后部 看到黄斑 就是这个区域让你 看到我们 看到今晚讲座