n. 堤防
vt. 筑堤防护
v. enclose with a dike
1. Crossroads, where the road crosses the dike.
十字路口 马路跟堤道交汇处
2. Oh, it's the duchess and the boy with his finger in the dike.
瞧 是女王陛下和 一无是处的小白脸来了
3. I've got my finger in the dike, I need you to sew.
我现在用手指堵住了伤口 我需要你来缝
4. There will be no more talk of bombing the dikes or the cities of the north.
对于北部堤坝和城市的轰炸 我们将不再进行谈判
5. Get across the river, across the field and over the dike.
他们得先渡河 穿过旷野和堤道
6. dike wasn't a bad leader because he made bad decisions.
7. Which could be a problem if, say, you need someone to hold back a flood by sticking a finger in a dike.
这是个问题 就比如 当你需要人 不会费吹灰之力地阻挡洪水