pl. 天线, 触须, 触角
n an electrical device that sends or receives radio or television signals
n sensitivity similar to that of a receptor organ
n one of a pair of mobile appendages on the head of e.g. insects and crustaceans; typically sensitive to touch and taste
1. That's because you don't have to have your antenna up.
2. Those pads have precision ridges on them, three ridges, and they'll lower the antenna onto those ridges, being very careful about the positioning of the antenna.
这些平台上面有精密脊纹 三条脊纹 把天线放置到脊纹上 要非常仔细定位天线
3. We can then move those antennas further out onto different pads, and make a larger and larger single telescope comprised of those individual antennas, and that gives us the ability to see finer and finer detail.
然后我们可以把天线向外移动到不同的平台上 形成一个由多个天线组成的 越来越大的望远镜 可以让我们看到越来越精细的细节
4. If we took out the antenna, we wouldn't be able to do that.
要是把天线炸掉 我们就做不到了
5. Blow the antenna, and we won't be able to do that.
6. It's global, so I'm guessing it's an antenna problem.
全球范围故障 所以我怀疑是天线问题
7. She fried the power module to the antenna.
8. He starts by showing off his paddlelike antennae.
9. Once, I ripped the antenna off a car and swallowed that.
10. Being a telepath, is like being a psychic antenna.
心灵感应 就像接收信号的天线一样