n. 甘草
[医] 甘草
n. deep-rooted coarse-textured plant native to the Mediterranean region having blue flowers and pinnately compound leaves; widely cultivated in Europe for its long thick sweet roots
n. a black candy flavored with the dried root of the licorice plant
1. You're starting to think about the licorice again.
2. It's also why we're eating licorice for breakfast.
3. I heard he tried to strangle her with some licorice rope.
4. She tasted like licorice sweet but with a bite.
她尝起来像甘草糖 很甜但有嚼劲
5. licorice. I never much cared for 'em before.
甘草糖 我之前一直不喜欢
6. She was a 10yearold child, loved licorice, wrote about it incessantly.
她是个十岁的小姑娘 挺喜欢甘草的 不厌其烦地写
7. Come on, this licorice is huge. It'll last forever.
這甘草糖好長啊 能繞地球好幾圈了
8. Last time we had a cake in the shape of his head with a licorice rebar through it.
上次我们订的蛋糕 做了一个他钢筋穿头的模样
9. Tobacco, curd soap, licorice and a hint of sweet semolina pudding.
烟草 盐析皂 甘草 还有一丝甜小麦粉布丁的味道