a. 无懈可击的, 无可指责的, 无过失的
s. beyond doubt or reproach
1. No. I promise, it's an unimpeachable source.
我发誓没有 这消息来源无可置疑
2. Even if I had the money, his honor is unimpeachable.
就算我有那个钱 他也不可能被我收买
3. I'm an sleuth with an unimpeachable track record.
我是业余侦探 以往的记录完美无瑕
4. It has to be someone pure, someone unimpeachable, someone who's brave enough to step into this mess with us and not back down from the fight.
副总统人选必须是身家清白 无可挑剔的人 要足够勇敢 敢于和我们一起面对这些麻烦 不会在战斗中退缩
5. That woman has an unimpeachable reputation, a mountain of resources and decades of political capital she can use as she likes, and she's very...popular.
那个女人的声誉无懈可击 还有无数资源和积累几十年的 资本 随时都能为她所用 她...还很受人欢迎
6. I can prove to be an unimpeachable source on you, give them just so much information as to prove myself useful, and manipulate them from the inside.
我绝对会成为你的一个无可比拟的资源 给他们足够的信息 证明我有用 然后从内部操控他们
7. 10,000 observed sex acts in total to ensure that the data is ironclad, unimpeachable, which means we're now at the halfway point at best.
那么总共一千例性行为观察记录 才能确保数据无误 无可指摘 所以我们现在最多也就才做了一半