n. 贫乏, 穷困的人们
n. a state of extreme poverty or destitution
1. That means no helos, all indig weapons.
就是说没有直升机 只有当地的武器
2. We'll get those indig vehicles in place for your exfil.
3. I'll get the indig vehicles ready on the ground.
4. None of you are indigent, which means you must pay for your own attorney.
你们都算不上贫困户 就是说 你们得付钱给你们的律师
5. Marmee also told us to be indigent about our work.
6. Oh, yes, we work with medicare, medicaid, the indigent.
是的 收入有限的人 可以用医疗保险或医疗补助
7. Up this hall, there's a room full of beds for migrants and the indigent.
这个大厅放满了给移民和穷人 提供的床铺
8. Isaac is still the indigent boy getting beaten in the streets.
9. Linkup with indig agent happens here, half a klick from the drop zone.
和当地特工在这里会合 离降落地点五百米
10. Take indig vehicles to the set point, roll to the target on foot.
乘坐当地车辆到达据点 再走到目标那里