v. 不信, 怀疑
v. reject as false; refuse to accept
1. The outcome is only uncertain for those who di elieve.
2. to providing all you di elievers with proof.
3. I'll die a martyr, slain at the hand of di elieving moron.
我会如同一个殉道者一般 死于一个不信上帝的 之手
4. A snake oil sale an needn't be di elieved in all things, but his claims do warrant extra scrutiny.
一个大忽悠也不是完全不可信 但他的证词确实需要彻底审查
5. ...conveyed into the hospital in plain sight of thousands of waiting mourners as di elieving and shaken, tonight, as our entire nation.
在上千名等待已久的哀悼者的 注目下前往医院 今晚整个国家都不敢相信
6. And now we're his righthand men ready to serve him no matter the cost or cause, ready to face down any di eliever who dares oppose him and drench the streets in their blood.
而现在我们是他的左膀右臂 准备不惜一切侍奉他 准备惩治任何胆敢反抗他的非信徒 并让他们的鲜血染红街道