n. 公鸡, 栖息的鸟
[机] 炉篦
n adult male chicken
1. In the shape of a chicken. It's a rooster.
而且是鸡的形状 是公鸡
2. Why do we have to start before the rooster's even crowed.
3. I guess your rooster has a snooze button.
4. It's like putting socks on a rooster.
真是瞎子帮忙 越帮越忙
5. The rooster tails in the photograph could offer a clue.
6. Sad, restless rooster with no chick he likes.
悲伤不安 没有心仪妹子的自大狂
7. And I've been assured that the rooster will no longer be a problem.
同时我保证 那只鸡将不会再打扰你们
8. rooster has assured us he is an experienced cartographer.
9. Some roosters, some mangly homeless guys, whatever he's got.
一些自负的人,一些肮脏的 无家可归的家伙,他能拿到的一切