vt. 超过...速度, 赶过
v. surpass in speed
1. His sense of ell outpaces even my own.
2. Ethan's complexity has outpaced our ability to repair him.
伊森构造复杂 已经远不是我等可以修复的了
3. They will easily outpace her, if they stay in control.
只要不摔跤 它们很容易就能甩掉野狗
4. Something happened to his program; his growth just outpaced our technology.
他的程序出了点问题 他的成长速度超过了我们的技术能力范围
5. We've been outpaced, outshined, outmaneuvered, out everything by those neohippie genderneutral monsters.
我们被那群新嬉皮 性别不明的怪物们 赶超了 比不过 哪哪都不如
6. I mean, over the last six months, demand downtown has consistently outpaced inventory.
在过去的六个月里 市中心 一直是供不应求的
7. I mean, your talent greatly, greatly outpaces my father's, and I think that should be reflected in these pages.
我觉得你的天赋远远地超越了我爸 这一点在剧本中应该有所展现
8. Using this technique, she easily outpaces the surprised fish and also avoids becoming stranded.
用这种方法能轻易地追上措手不及的鱼儿 同时也避免了搁浅
9. The dead have brought out our best and worst, and the worst has been outpacing the best lately, but that won't last forever.
亡者激发了我们最好和最坏的一面 近来最坏的一面盖过了最好的一面 但那不会持续太久
10. They know they can't outpace the kingfish, so their idea is to scan each fish with sonar and select only the weakest, slowest individuals.
他们清楚自己的速度比不上大耳马鲛 所以他们的对策是用声呐扫描整个鱼群 从中挑出最弱 最慢的一条下手