n. 第十(个)( tenth的名词复数 ); 十分之一; 第十的, 第十个的; 十分之一的
n a tenth part; one part in ten equal parts
n position ten in a countable series of things
1. We're talking about a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of our population.
你针对的这些 只是人口中的九牛一毛
2. We should have found them on the tenth and we didn't.
按理应被放在第十个被害人身上 但却没有
3. Because she died when we were in tenth grade.
4. The effect on my bones is a tenth of what it was.
5. He hung himself on my tenth birthday.
6. And by the tenth, he was riding high.
到了第十次 他已经很得意了
7. She's tiny, only a tenth of his size.
她身形很小 只有雄性的十分之一
8. This is the tenth such incident this year.
9. Tomorrow's the tenth day we've been together.
10. Even if it's a tenth of what I just experienced.