n. 会阴(部)
[医] 会阴
n. the general region between the anus and the genital organs
1. You'll need to tape the microphone to your perineum.
2. We'll photonbolt you up the perineum, you stupid little boy.
我们用光子打得你满地找牙 你个傻小子
3. It's like if you never see another torn perineum again, it'll be too soon.
你早已厌烦了成天盯着那些撕裂的会阴 想摆脱这一切
4. Vagini us is the loss of control over the muscles of the perineum and the outer third of the vagina.
痉挛是会阴肌肉 和 外三分之一处肌肉失控