a. 附有阴影
v follow, usually without the person's knowledge
v cast a shadow over
v make appear small by comparison
s filled with shade
1. He's been in the shadows all this years because he is a shadow.
这些年他一直如阴影般虚幻 因为他本来就不存在
2. We do not cower in the shadows, we make the shadows.
我们不畏缩在阴影里 我们制造阴影
3. He sees his shadow or he doesn't see his shadow.
它看见自己的影子 或者没看见自己的影子
4. But sometimes a shadow is just a shadow.
但是有时候 阴影只是阴影而已
5. Where this dude works, even the shadows have shadows.
这位仁兄工作的地方 更加隐秘
6. Those fires cast shadows, and those shadows created fear.
火光投射阴影 阴影滋生恐惧
7. We saw him, or at least his shadow, and a couple other scary shadows.
我们见到他 至少是看到影子了 而且还有一些别的恐怖影子
8. Well, I mean, it looks like a shadow. It's not a shadow.
我觉得像是个影子 不是影子
9. I'll be all over you. I'll be your shadow.
我会烦死你 我会成为你的影子
10. Their feelings are the only feelings that matter because other people are just shadows, and shadows don't feel.
他们的感觉才是最重要的 因为其他人只是暗影 暗影是没有感觉的