n. 法西斯主义, 极端国家主义
n. a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism)
1. You know, it's very subtle, but it's a new form of fasci , really.
非常微妙 但是一种新形式的法西斯主义
2. This is 1932, and quite a few of the countries they lived in were sliding into fasci .
那是1932年 他们居住的许多国家 正在滑向法西斯的深渊
3. Thank you. I wanted to join you in commemorating our historic alliance against fasci .
谢谢 我想和你一同庆祝 我们在反法西斯战争中历史性的同盟
4. There was a lot of negative sides to it, and it was in danger of degenerating into outandout fasci .
朋克有很多消极的东西 它游走在堕入彻头彻尾法西斯的边缘
5. And as you will note, there are still enough of your countrymen who understand enough about fasci to take this on.
你也会注意到 你们国家的人 还是有很多人看透了法西斯 愿意共赴大业