n. 露齿笑
v. 露齿而笑
v. to draw back the lips and reveal the teeth, in a smile, grimace, or snarl
1. She's grinning that stupid grin, believing everything they're saying.
她咧着嘴傻笑 相信他们说的每一句话
2. But the... It's your cheeky grin.
但是 是因为你厚脸皮的微笑
3. You have his eyes and that mischievous grin.
4. You know, I wouldn't tell him with that grin on your face.
5. and I figured I'd tag along for grins.
6. He slept with all of those prostitutes, and she just grins.
他满世界地睡 而她却选择忍气吞声
7. Wipe that absurd grin off your face.
8. You busted out into this big, beautiful grin.
你咧開嘴 露出美麗的笑容
9. It's unfortunate we had to grin through those photoops tonight.
很不幸我们今晚 不得不强装笑脸拍点照片
10. That grin of yours is about to cut the top of your head off.