a. 过于热切的, 过于渴望的
s. excessively eager
1. Some overeager squaddie with an itchy trigger finger that's who.
2. People can get overeager when they start learning how to do this.
人们在刚开始做这行时 可能会头脑发热
3. Toby taught me one trait to be wary of is an overeagerness to connect.
托比教过我提防 过度急切想要建立感情的人
4. No, not like you usually look at things, like an overeager undergraduate.
不 不是像你平常看东西那样 像个毛毛躁躁的大学生
5. By married, you mean me playing the boyfriend of an overeager and underpaid junior staffer at the governor's dinner, then, yes, you are correct, sir.
你说的结婚 是指我要在州长举办的晚宴上 假扮一个争强好胜工资又低的 小职员的男朋友的话 那你猜对了 先生