a. 有利益的, 唯利是图的
s. yielding a fair profit
1. We gain leverage, and maybe even gain their favor.
我们就能获得筹码 甚至得到他们的青睐
2. Everybody that ever gained anything gained at somebody else's pain.
任何人取得的成就 都是建立在他人的痛苦之上的
3. They view being below the target as a loss and being above the target as a gain, and they care more about preventing the loss than about achieving the gain.
他们认为不达标就是损失 而超标则是盈余 与其多赚他们更担心的是损失
4. We know that our robber gained access via bathroom window, but there's no evidence whatsoever that he gained egress from the building.
我們知道小偷是從洗手間的窗口爬進來的 但卻沒找到 他離開大樓的證據
5. I failed to respect patient confidentiality and used information revealed in session for my own personal gain or if I didn't technically gain, at least my own ends.
我并没有尊重患者的隐私权 而是用在疗程中获取的信息 为自己谋利 或者准确说我自己并没获利 至少对我个人而言
6. You have the most to gain from this deal.
7. You don't know what we have to gain.
8. There's nothing to be gained by doing anything.
9. I lied so I could gain an audience with you.
我撒谎了 这样您才会见我
10. You would both gain status and respect.
你们都能拥有贵族地位 受人尊崇