n. 来到, 来临
n. arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous)
n. the season including the four Sundays preceding Christmas
1. I've had a harder time breaking into an advent calendar.
2. You are witnessing what may be the advent of a global contagion.
你们现在目睹的情况 很可能是全球传染病大爆发的开端
3. The advent of microscopic adjustments in our biology, history, environment.
出现在我们生物学 历史 以及环境中的细微调整
4. The advent of the nuclear age, may have accelerated the mutation process.
核时代的到来 可能加速了突变的进程
5. And even our gambling operation is in trouble with the advent of legal online wagering.
隨著合法網上賭博的出現 我們的賭博項目運行也有了麻煩
6. You could tell, 'cause of the advent of redlining, we liv lived with the black people.
你能看出来 因为出现了贷款歧视 我们和黑人们住在一起
7. But with the advent of travel, technology, sugar started to become more readily available and suddenly became more affordable.
但随着技术进步 对世界的探索加深 糖变得越来越容易获得 也突然成了买得起的东西了
8. It seems that the advent of intensive food production had ushered in a new era of plenty with no apparent drawbacks.
似乎密集型食物生产的到来 开启了一个没有明显缺点的富足时代
9. And with the advent of modern science, it's been difficult to think of the world that way and so it makes it harder perhaps to think of justice in a teleological way, but there is a certain naturalness to thinking about even the natural world, as teleologically ordered as a purpose of whole.
随着现代科学的出现 用古老的方法思考世界就变得困难 因此用目的论来论证公正 也变得更加困难 但有一种自然性 认为自然界 是有目的性的存在