n. 先驱者, 前导, 前兆
[化] 前体; 前身; 产物母体
n. a substance from which another substance is formed (especially by a metabolic reaction)
n. a person who goes before or announces the coming of another
1. Maybe he was poisoned as a precursor.
2. We'd need a live donor with the precursor.
3. Torturing animals is a precursor to serial killing.
折磨动物是 成为连环杀手的前兆
4. A hidden tomb armed with a precursor to napalm.
5. With the rats, the pneumonia was the precursor to their brains melting.
在老鼠身上 它们的大脑融化前 都是先感染的肺炎
6. A precursor to science fact! In some cases, yeah.
是科学真理的先驱 个别时候而已
7. No precursor behavior that would point to suicide or relapse.
8. It's one of the precursors in the manufacture of things like vitamines.
9. But night sweats can be a precursor to bedwetting, and that is very serious.
但盗汗可能演变成尿床 那就很严重了
10. The arterial thin sections showed atherosclerotic precursor lesions.