[计] 重散列
v present or use over, with no or few changes
v go back over
1. I'm here to train, not rehash the past.
我是来受训的 不是来追忆过去的
2. Okay? I don't have time to rehash this.
好吗 我没时间重提这事
3. Not here rehashing the past when it has zero relevance.
4. I just don't want to rehash it. It doesn't do any good.
我只是不想再提 那样没好处
5. It's just a rehash of something that wasn't very good to begin with.
不过是老调重弹罢了 而且开头也不好
6. I think we just keep rehashing the same thing over and over again.
我覺得我們只是在 一遍遍重新拼湊同樣的東西
7. Knowing your dad, he does not like to rehash the past.
我了解 爸 他不喜欢重温过去
8. Except for when we obsessively rehash my triumph, obviously.
当然 我们反复回味我的胜利时除外
9. I am mortified and I really don't want to rehash it any more than I already have in my head.
我丢死人了 我真的不想 再在脑子里想一遍那画面了
10. I think that rehashing someone else's idea isn't very original.
我觉得剽窃别人的点子 可不怎么有创意