r. in a recurrent manner
1. Donna had an unexpected recurrence with complications.
多娜术后意外的 复发性并发症
2. Recurrent physical abuse, knowledge he shouldn't have.
反复的身体 拥有自己本不该知道的知识
3. it could weaken your heart and increase the chance of recurrence.
会让你的心脏变虚弱 复发的概率会增加
4. And right next to it is the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
5. Nietzsche had his vision of the eternal recurrence of all things.
尼采幻想中的 万物永远轮回
6. There is a new treatment we offer here for recurrent adolescent leukemia.
我们这里的一种治疗 对反复青少年白血病很有疗效
7. We're trapped in a warped version of nietzsche's eternal recurrence.
8. The doctor doesn't see any hot spots or signs of recurrence.
9. Recurrent theme is he wants people to face the consequences of what they say and do.
他重复表示 要人们面对他们的言行举止所带来的后果
10. Recurrent imagery has proven very common in cases of mass hysteria.
在群体癔症中 复发性意象已被证实 是十分常见的