a. 绞痛的, 急腹痛的
s. suffering from excessive gas in the alimentary canal
1. I'm not colicky, but I have had better days.
我没疝气痛 但今天确实不顺
2. If you want to share a bedroom with a colicky baby, be my guest.
如果你不介意和一个腹绞痛的婴儿 共住一间卧室 我没意见
3. Owen, by the scowl on your face, you're either having a bad day or you're colicky.
欧文 从你脸上的愁容来看 你要么今天过得不顺利 要么疝气痛
4. I got the posture of a question mark, and I'm needy, and I have the temperament of a colicky baby.
整个人佝偻成一个问号 又是个穷鬼 性格又像一个哭闹的婴儿
5. 32yearold female with colicky flank pain and large blood in her urinalysis, which indeed points to a kidney stone.
32岁女性腰部绞痛 大量血尿 这肯定是肾结石