[计] 多
1. Qui pro vobis et pro multis effundetur in remissionem peccatorum.
將為你們和眾人傾流 以赦免罪惡
2. multi‐year communication black‐out and then a few memory lane hookups after we scrubbed our emotional connection.
中断联系几年 然后在消除我们的情感纽带后 在老地方约上几炮
3. Well... I want to say multi dimensional engineering, but since you had a problem with sensors I won't go there.
我本来想说多维工程 但因为你连探测器都不懂 就不说那么远了
4. I'm generally not very good at multi player games and there's something like a three hour wait to get in a game right now.
我是一个不太擅长多人游戏的人 但现在就是有一种 三小时都等不了就想 接着玩的感觉
5. Macgregor's syndrome. It's a genetic defect that creates fluid buildup in the lungs, which leads to oxygen deprivation and multi system organ failure.
麦克格瑞格综合症 这是一种遗传缺失 会在肺部积水 导致缺氧和多器官衰竭
6. His two restaurants showcase the best of the island's diverse multi‐culture cuisine and trust me, there's a lot more going on here, than chucking pineapple on a pizza.
他的两家餐厅展现了 岛上多元文化料理的最好一面 相信我 在这里远不仅仅是 把菠萝往披萨上一放那么简单