n. 溅落, 浸入, 腌渍用盐汁, 腌制物, 浸水
vt. 把...浸如水中, 腌制, 弄醉
vi. 被浸透, 喝醉
adv. 扑通一声地, 出其不意地
n. pork trimmings chopped and pickled and jelled
v. become drunk or drink excessively
v. cook in a marinade
1. What? I started as a sous chef there.
什么 我开始是那里的副厨
2. Disagreements between a chef and his sous are not uncommon.
3. But if I died there, I'd die soused in regret.
但如果我那样死去 会充满悔恨
4. 50 sous and I'll take you to heaven.
付我五十苏 我就让你享受极乐
5. The sous chef had to untie me in the morning.
6. Or I could be said sous, and you shall surely chef.
或者我可以当副厨 你当主厨
7. I was sous chef at the bakersfield food lab.
8. Now I need my sous chef to weigh in.
9. This from a guy who once stole methadone from a dying sous chef.
10. I made sous‐vide bags out of elk bladders.