a. 简洁的, 紧缩的
s briefly giving the gist of something
1. That's a more succinct way of putting it, yeah.
这么说确实简洁明了 没错
2. This isn't a long trip, so I'll be as succinct as possible.
回程的路不长 所以我长话短说
3. Your speeches for today's pageant should be succinct and expletivefree.
你今天在选美大会上的演讲 应该简洁 高雅
4. I need to bring you all up to speed very directly, very succinctly.
我得非常直截了当地 告诉你们发生了什么
5. Watson, as you so succinctly put it, we are living in the 19th century.
华生 正如你之前一针见血指出的 我们生活在十九世纪
6. Please speak succinctly, and do not make any loud, sharp noises.
拜托说得简洁点 别发出任何尖锐的噪音
7. Okay, nnow, what I'm hearing is that you feel that I sometimes take too long to express myself, and you wish I'd be more succinct.
好吧 我听你这句话 感觉像你嫌我有时用太多时间 来表达自己的感受 你希望我说话简单明了
8. I can appreciate how much selfdiscipline it would take a man in your father's condition to write something so succinct.
我能明白要让你父亲这种情况的男人 写出如此言简意赅的信件 需要多少自制力