n. 师(对罗马天主教等修士的尊称)
n. A title anciently given to the pope, and later to other church
dignitaries and some monastic orders. See Don, and Dan.
n. In Portugal and Brazil, the title given to a member of the
higher classes.
1. dom, but this really could make some waves.
多姆 可这次依然不一般
2. dom, we've been going out for 18 minutes.
多米 我们才谈18分钟的恋爱
3. dom, I think we found our flow here.
多姆 我觉得我们找到天堂了
4. dom, love, I've been waiting for your call.
多米 亲爱的 我一直在等你打来
5. We'll have four bottles of dom perignon, thanks.
请给我们来四瓶唐·培里侬香槟王 谢谢
6. dom, I know you've been conditioned to assume my selfishness.
多姆 我知道你一直认为 我这个人自私自利
7. dom's the best thing ever happened to me.
8. There's no way dom would consciously try and have fun.