n. 沥青, 柏油路
n. a black bituminous material used for paving roads or other areas; usually spread over crushed rock
v. coat with blacktop
1. You trudge down a deserted twolane blacktop.
2. We used to race on blacktop at recess, and then I was always so slow.
放假时 我们常常在柏油路上赛跑 我总是跑得很慢
3. Olivia's left arm on the blacktop 50 feet from the wreck.
4. I just told her that arts and ambition were coming off you like heat waves from an oklahoma blacktop.
我只是告诉了她你身上的 才智和雄心 就像俄克拉荷马州泊油路上的热浪