n. 警告, 劝告, 训诫
[法] 警告, 申戒, 劝告
n. cautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness)
n. a firm rebuke
1. All I could do was heed her admonitions.
2. You objected when I tried to administer my admonitions and warnings.
我要宣读警告信息的时候 你提出了反对意见
3. My ears shall remain eternally open to your admonition.
4. Hold on. I'd like to administer my admonitions and warnings now.
稍等 我要宣读我方的警告信息
5. I'm also totally ready for your critiques, warnings, admonishments, admonitions.
我已经准备好收到你的批评 警告 训诫以及责备
6. Well, it's meant as an admonition to value your life, to live it well.
这句话是一个告诫 要你珍惜生命 好好活下去
7. Bernard's fame has been a lesson to me and an admonition for many important decisions that have inspired my life.
贝尔纳德的盛名让我受用颇多 对我很多惠及终身的重要决定 起到劝诫作用