n. 全体随行人员, 陪同人员
n the group following and attending to some important person
1. My entourage and his entourage we used to run around the dunes.
我的陪练和他的陪练 我们常常绕着沙丘跑步
2. You don't usually travel with an entourage.
3. Do need a place for a papal entourage.
4. She keeps them as her entourage for when she crashes your reflections.
她粉碎你们的映像时 会把他们留做跟班
5. Oh, he and his entourage flew out of the country.
6. And that's why, I think, he had the big entourage all the time.
我想 这就是为什么他总是和一大群人在一起
7. My family's my entourage, and they need me to survive.
我的家庭就是我的贵宾 他们需要我才能活下去
8. My translator has more manners, but he is downstairs with the rest of my entourage.
我的翻译比他有礼貌得多 但现在在楼下 跟我其他随员在一起
9. Or tickets or I don't know, make me part of your entourage.
门票也行 或是让我当你的随行人员
10. Hard work, talent, and a killer entourage.
努力 天赋 还有超棒的随行人员